To be auspicious is to conquer. To obtain what you once envisioned of yourself when you were just a little kid. The truth is, we all only have one life, 70 years if were lucky. To sit around and not challenge yourself to live up to your greatest potential each and every day is in-excusable. To be auspicious is to attack each day with the vision of improving, the vision of conquering, the vision of becoming.

Our logo the barbed wire raven represents what a peak being looks like. A true warrior, scarred from the battles its endured, scratched, bruised, beaten, yet still standing tall, covered in barbed wire armor from the battles its won. Proud of the man its become, and fulfilled from the memory of the journey. The truth is not everyone's perfect, nor unscathed. If everything was easy we'd all be doves, but nobody is. All we can ask of ourselves is that we battle. Battle each and every day until we can stand no more. To battle until you completely crumble. Only then will you look back, and realize you are now exactly what you wanted to be and more.

Auspicious “prosperous to success, favorable

BLVD “path/road”